Friday, 27 April 2012

a peek into my heaven (page 5)

Dear Diary

Oh I am so obsessed with my garden !! ...I don't know why  though!guess its in my genetics .My mom loved gardening, my dad was also passionate about it. In fact majority of their old pics are somewhere or the other related to their once flourishing garden. I think that's how I learnt to appreciate the task of gardening. My fellow classmates often regard it as ' boring' ,'out dated' If only they knew the joys of it. 'Tiring' ,agree it is, yet nothing can beat the sweet feeling of seeing the baby seedling grow up in to a beautiful plant and flowers..........

 thought about sharing a few pics of my garden!

Roses ...can any thing beat their charm ???????

this is Calendula 

candy tuft

one of my Adenium 

wild flowers have their own charm ..... these two were uninvited yet beautiful guests ...

( I loved its colour )


school girl

Sunday, 22 April 2012

My sister (page 4)

Dear Diary

Today ,exactly 14 years ago , my life changed forever!  at 09:05 am... my best friend, enemy, critic, joker, companion, partner, adviser, junior (my senior too some times! ) all in short my sweetest  little sister entered my life! and nothing was the same again. I still remember when I saw her first....she was probably 1/3 rd my size(I was 3 then)yet  the cutest  creature ever alive on this earth!! She complimented me ever since the beginning. I remember how my relatives would take my permission to meet my  little sister! ... I used to be the Boss in charge! :P:P:P even In my friends circle , I loved to introduce her to them, I always used to  be in the lime light! all thanks to her.

As small kids, we used to fight a lot! ..almost on anything and every thing , we don't need a reason to fight! also we can turn  from foe to friends again in an instant..that too again for no reason what so ever! through out my childhood she was my constant companion !...why ??? well ...she used to have a fight with all the friends I made....and finally I , the ' elder sister' her 'protective wall' would have to fight with them all too protect my ' innocent ' sister!!!! hahahaha honestly I used to be so cross with her!! (hell, who wont be  under such a scenario..Imagine  you just made friends with someone about 10 min. ago and now you are fighting with her!, probably punching her too! ) It was always this way, I was her body guard, and she mine!

But even a decade later nothing much has changed except , her previously  plumier cheeks are now skinny , she is now  as tall as I am! and she has now got her own different set of  friends ..... except all of stated above ..every thing is the same.she is pretty as ever,. we still fight over petty things , and are still each; others best friends for life .!!!!!!!

we cant live without each other ,and we need no one when we are together!. I can write this on a stamp paper as a proof if you want! :P

ohk, now leaving the praises apart she tuns 14  today I would like to share the card I made for her:-

 this is the cover look!

the " HAPPY BIRTHDAY" note opens up in to this.. :-

 ah! m so careless, I guess a oil stain appeared up there some how! ...I don't know though ' how' !  finally, this is what is inside..

Inside these words are inscribed which were pen down by my sweet friend SIS( thank you so much, his blog  few miles )

she is a bliss, born
in this world as my sister
to colour my life

kindness and sweetness
and many more made you a
special sister

caring, love and loyal
I admire in you always,
and cherish them too

I want you to know
that each year my feelings grew
I'm fortunate, smile

Warm thoughts and wishes
I'm sending it to you, May
all your dreams come true

Wish you a very Happy Birthday!

Dear mallaika,
you are the best Gift God has ever given me, and he ever can! :D

school girl

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

loosing him (page 3)

Dear diary

I cant describe my feeling today. All I can say is that I lost him.  It was just an accident  Our encounter was so short lived yet my life seems to come to an halt without his presence, which makes me realize that how little things matter so much in life......hopefully this will convey my hearts voice more clearly..

It wasn't long
when I met you first.
My eyes met yours.
an instant 'click' .
feeling's sudden outburst
and I could make out,
It was perfect lust.

For time or two
together we stayed.
there were embedded 
many little charms,
a never ending , perpetual play.
 our interests same, we were
companions in every way.

Yet, when I thought I had
time to spare with you, plenty.
 the incident , the accident 
changed it all. the destiny
played its game, dirty.
Yet again , my hands 
free, vacant ,empty.

I was in school when a sudden push from my classmate startled me and my dear new pilot pen fell from hands!! ah if I only knew  ..I would have tightened my grip! I had bought it just this Saturday , and hardly written anything with it!! ...but I cant keep adoring  my handwriting just becomes more beautiful and full of curves with that pen. now when its gone my  palms feel deserted!

source :google

Hmmmmm  It feels really bad when you loose a pen just when you buy it...!!!!! isn't it? I think I will buy a new one tomorrow. Hey , by the way what were you thinking about ???? :P :P :P ...LOLZZ

school girl

Monday, 16 April 2012

birthday wish (page 2)

Dear Diary

We haven't met  since long .In fact It was just yesterday evening when we struck up an conversation on FB that we came to know about each other  personally. Also did I come to know that she is turning sweet 16 today!
Its so funny that we two being of the same age group are two standards apart!!! ..haha..I wonder how is that possible!!!! Yet in the little time span we have interacted , I know she is a lovely person and a sweet friend!

Dear Simran
On your 16th birthday , I have got 17 sweet wishes for you as a present!
10 which every one will wish you :-
May you:
1.  have many more such lovely birthdays
2.  keep smiling always. :D
3. achieve many more laurels in writing
4. achieve success in every field of life
5.  have Good health and the continued good health of your loved ones.
6. life filled with every colour of happiness
7. enjoy every second of life
8. achieve peace and harmony
9. find many lovely friends .
10.  be in a better relationship with God

now 6 more special wishes!!!  :-

11. most memorable birthday party ever!
12. most awesomest gifts!
13. a week without homework! (not a month , it is just not possible)
14. longer summer vacations! :P:P
15. relief from Examinations! ( for a little while at least! )
16.A week's  unlimited access to T.V.!! (you will know what I mean ...let your academic session take a perfect flow!! )
And the last one......a 200% hike in the monthly pocket money !!!!!!! :P:P:P

source :simran's facebook picture

hahaha.....hope you are Going to like them!!:D:D:D:D
See you are smiling already!!! ..hey and don't forget my share of birthday cake!  I am not gonna leave it in any manner! :P :D
wish you a very happy birthday my new dear friend !!!

school girl

Sunday, 15 April 2012

page 1

Dear diary

I would have written about the lovely rainy last night, or about the beautiful sunny morning or about the mesmerizing cactus flowers that bloomed up in my garden today (and that too two of them ! isn't it wonderful!they are so precious and live only for a day) if my father hadn't struck up this conversation with me last afternoon. What he did was share a short yet meaningful story with me.well this is how it goes like:

Once upon a time there lived a very old man near a village. Fables of his knowledge were wide spread in the vicinity .  Villagers often used to approach him with their problems , questions with hope of an apt solution, which they always received. In the village lived a farmer named Jeevanlal who didn't like the importance given to the old man .He always doubted his wisdom and left no opportunity to let him down ,in which  off course he never succeeded!
one day the farmer thought of a plan to insult the old man. He thought to carry a little bird in his palm and then question the old man what was is containing. ' A bird' he knew would come the reply. Then he would ask if it was alive or dead!. If the old man would reply 'alive' he would kill the bird in the fist and if the reply would be 'dead' he would release the bird alive!! In this way none of his answers would be correct.

With the said intentions he went to the old man  and indeed the reply to the first question was 'a bird'. Then the farmer asked if it was alive or not

 " As you wish, the life is in your hands"came the reply with a smile.
Moral of the story is that life lies in our own hands we can let it live,bloom or destroy it. Its our own decision .

Ah! I couldnt agree more with him!! how well he said ..yet I have always believed that our life is also a reflection of people we interact with. they always influence our life in one or other way! isn't it so?? I mean or friends or teachers , or relatives etc etc! they always leave a mark on us, good or bad that's different! With times they may leave us yet their impressions always remain somewhere in our life.


Life is  wet patch of sand.
People may come and go
"impressions" of their transient feet
 remain forever

school girl